Doctoral Program in Information and Knowledge Society

Doctoral Program in Information and Knowledge Society

Open call for PhD position

The Doctoral Program in Information and Knowledge Society was launched in the year 2000. It was among the first ones to be created in the field of research on the information and knowledge society and the first one to be offered entirely online. The PhD program of Information and Knowledge Society includes an organized set of training and research activities oriented to obtain a PhD degree. The program builds upon a previous period of training, which is the master’s degree in Information and Knowledge Society, and a guided research period, which already counts as part of the PhD.

Line of research: Communication and new media

This line studies the transformations brought about by the impact of digital technologies on audiovisual media, on content creation areas, their reception and social uses, and the implications of these transformations on the creative and entertainment industries. It includes the study of technology as a tool for cultural transformation: the uses and appropriation of technology by young people, the emerging forms of media literacy, and ludoliteracy or video game literacy. It also studies the transformation of advertising and public relations on the Net: viral marketing, crisis communication websites, cyber-activism, advergaming, branded entertainment and the intentional creation of virtual communities. It also explores social transformations in the urban context related to citizen access to the public sphere through digital communication.


31 January 2017: End of the application period.


The duration of the program is of a maximum of 3 years full time and 5 years part time, which counts from the formal admission of the student in the program until the presentation of the doctoral thesis. The calculation of this period does not include maternity, paternity or sick leaves of long duration that the Academic Committee considers appropriate.


You may apply for a scholarship to enroll in this doctoral program.

Are you interested?

If you are interested in the research lines we develop in our group, contact us to arrange an interview at


Check here all the information related to the PhD in Information and Knowledge Society

Research lines

This research group studies the transformations of contemporary societies associated with ICTs and new technopolitical practices, with special attention to social movements, emerging political parties and digital democracy, as well as non-central social groups such as old people and low-income people. The doctoral programme research lines are:

1. Network and political movements after 15M.
2. Technopolitical participation, innovation and digital democracy.
3. Aging in the network society.
4. Critical analysis of the datification of everyday life.