Title: Working and household time: desestandarization and gender convergence (TEMPHO)

PIs: Joan García Román, Pau Miret Gamundi (Center for Demographic Studies-CED)

Funding source: Ministry of Science and Innovation. National R + D + I

Plan Reference: PID2020-118770RB-I00

Duration: 2021-2024 Collaborating entities: Barcelona City Council, Open University of Catalonia

Responsible at the CNSC: Madelin Gómez-León

Summary: The main objective of the project is to analyze to what extent and how the increase in the level of education has been a key factor in the de-standardization and gender convergence of labor participation and family structure in Spain, from a generational perspective and at territorial scale; through the study of pattern, we will establish the areas of labor relations and family dynamics among the population over 15 years of age first individually and later in a combined manner.

The first phase of the research will contrast the increase in destandardization between generations, taking into account an increase in complexity in personal biographies in relation to, on the one hand, the job market between 16 and 70 years of age and, on the other, in family situations at home beyond the age of 15. Secondly, it will be explore if the evolution in the work and family pattern has converged between genders. Finally, the relationship between the level of education and family and work biography between genders and generations will be analyzed.

In parallel, this complexity in work and family biographies between different generations and the gender convergence, will be analyzed from a time use perspective. The generational change in the use of time is mainly based on a convergence between men and women in the time spent in paid work, a homogenization that is far from occurring in the time spent in unpaid work. However, unpaid work cannot be analyzed as a whole, but it is essential to differentiate between care work and reproductive work, so that the convergence in the former is much greater than in the latter. Finally, the relationship between the level of education and the convergence in the time use will also be analyzed, a relationship that will probably differ between generations.

In short, this project seeks to analyze the level of education as a key factor in the de-standardization and gender convergence, on the one hand, of labor participation and family structure in Spain and, on the other, in the use of time in paid work and in unpaid work.

Links: https://ced.uab.cat/es/grups_recerca/familias-desigualdad-y-cambio-social/