Participatory Science: Workshop of data on tourist accommodation

Participatory Science: Workshop of data on tourist accommodation

The complexity of urban problems and the new possibilities provided by active citizenship, new technologies and the revitalisation of social spaces opens up a new scenario that requires new democratic infrastructures. Based on the experience of the Decidim project and the Metadecidim community, the Laboratori d’Innovació Democràtica is positioned as a municipal open space to promote training programmes that contribute to solving urban challenges in an intelligent, participative and democratic way.

In order to activate an open working group based on collaborative practices, the first Participative Science data workshop will be held, an inter-institutional and social collaboration of public-common science to offer data and analysis tools to participants from very different fields: public institutions, academia, industry and civil society. The theme chosen for this first session, motivated by the proliferation of digital platforms for renting accommodation, will be changes in the use of accommodation in Barcelona through an analytical, rigorous and participatory approach. The workshop will be organized by Montera34 studio with extensive experience in similar collaborative production projects, for example:


  • Train participants in the knowledge necessary to obtain, clean and analyze spatial data.
  • Release the data of the territory and the results of the workshop.
  • Lay the foundations for a Participatory Science working group in Barcelona.